Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chemo date set

Due to an upcoming business trip, David has decided to start his chemo treatment on or after May 5.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Drugs arrived

David's chemotherapy drugs arrived Saturday and he is now checking with his schedule on when he will start his first round. The start may be late this week or after May 5.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chemo Delay

Due to a delay in the chemotherapy drugs arriving, David is not starting his treatment today. He has to special order the drugs since they are not available at standard drug stores all the time.

Friday, April 11, 2008


David will begin these treatments next week:

  • Temozolomide (Temodar) 350mg, chemotherapy medication
  • Zofran 8mg, a high-power nausea medication
  • Nexium 40mg, heartburn medication

Weekly blood tests will commence for the entire treatment year. He will also be on a low- or no-fat diet leading into and during the treatment weeks.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Chemotherapy to start April 16

David had an appointment with his neuro-oncologist today. 

Since an MRI in January, his tumor has grown slightly so they are continuing on the path to begin chemotherapy treatments. These are set to start on April 16. The Baylor Tumor Board agreed that this was the correct treatment option for this grade of tumor.

The treatment is taken two pills per day for one week of every month for one year. He will need to take off of work on the fifth and sixth days of each treatment week as the fatigue will cause him to be too tired to function on those days.

More news next week after he begins treatment.