Friday, September 26, 2008

Restarting Chemo

FINALLY after several road blocks I am, once again, back on chemo. I anxiously started again last night. I still have the "shock" feelings but they are not as frequent as before however, they do occur daily. I am not, at this point, convinced that it is a result of abruptly halting my anti-depressants since it is still with me despite the fact that I removed myself from them several months ago. My headaches have come back over the past week or so which is why I have been so ready to begin treatment again. The headaches subside with the Chemo treatments and become almost non-existent. I have also experienced some dizziness and nausea as a result of these headaches. This round is the second of the higher dosage and I'm not quite sure what to expect. I will update as soon as I can once this round has commenced. As always, thank you all for your constant and continued support. It really is the difference between getting through this or not.