Friday, September 26, 2008

Restarting Chemo

FINALLY after several road blocks I am, once again, back on chemo. I anxiously started again last night. I still have the "shock" feelings but they are not as frequent as before however, they do occur daily. I am not, at this point, convinced that it is a result of abruptly halting my anti-depressants since it is still with me despite the fact that I removed myself from them several months ago. My headaches have come back over the past week or so which is why I have been so ready to begin treatment again. The headaches subside with the Chemo treatments and become almost non-existent. I have also experienced some dizziness and nausea as a result of these headaches. This round is the second of the higher dosage and I'm not quite sure what to expect. I will update as soon as I can once this round has commenced. As always, thank you all for your constant and continued support. It really is the difference between getting through this or not.


Anonymous said...

Dave I know this is scary and I admire your courage and determination to beat this evil thing. I am here if you need an ear or just someone to yell at.

I love you hon!


Anonymous said...


I'm glad to hear there's been no growth of the tumor and chemo is working somewhat well for you... although those are some interesting side effects you describe! Hang in there and don't forget to ask God to help you deal with all of this. He's never far from you and knows every detail of how your mind and body are designed to function.

Still praying!!
