Wednesday, July 30, 2008

MRI results and Chemo round 3

I had another MRI 2weeks ago and the results were positive. The images showed no growth of the tumor. My neuro-oncologist did not expect to see any shrinkage this early, that usually doesn't begin until the 4th treatment. She did, however, increase the dose on my Chemo to 400mg. I was surprised that the small increase did result in some more intense side effects. I did experience some nausea for one day and the exhaustion level was elevated and longer lasting. I will begin my 4th treatment in mid Aug followed by another MRI to see if the tumor begins to shrink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, David. I was just catching up on how you're handling your chemo treatments. I'm so glad to read that you're not having horrible nausea, but I'm sorry you get so wiped out. I guess that tells you the treatments are workin' hard!

Hang in there and remember there are folks praying for you to get through this and have a new lease on life. Love you.

-Heather S.